Presentation of the manual “Overcoming Discrimination: Specifics of Organizing and Conducting Educational Activities to Prevent and Combat Discrimination”


Presentation of the manual "Overcoming Discrimination: Specifics of Organizing and Conducting Educational Activities to Prevent and Combat Discrimination"


20 Грудня, 2022    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Тип події

The Democratic Initiatives Incubator invites you to take part in the Presentation of the manual “Overcoming Discrimination: Specifics of Organizing and Conducting Educational Activities to Prevent and Combat Discrimination”. The event is timed to the International Human Solidarity Day, celebrated annually on December 20. We believe that solidarity is, in particular, the way to prevent and counter discrimination in the world.


December 20, 2022, 18:00 Kyiv time (Kyiv, Chisinau: 18:00; Minsk: 19:00; Baku, Yerevan, Tbilisi: 20:00). Duration – 90 minutes.


Online meeting on the Zoom platform.

Who are we inviting?

All people from the Eastern Partnership countries interested in the topic, and especially those who work in the field of civic education. Working languages – Ukrainian, Belarusian, English. If necessary, we will support and translate each other.


  • You will be the first to see the manual “Overcoming Discrimination: Specifics of Organizing and Conducting Educational Activities to Prevent and Combat Discrimination”.
  • You will be able to communicate in an informal atmosphere with the authors of the manual on preventing and combating discrimination, organizing and conducting educational events.
  • In an informal atmosphere, you will make useful contacts with actors of civic education from the Eastern Partnership countries.

Who host?

Moderators of the presentation:

– Nazarii Boiarskyi, Democratic Initiatives Incubator NGO, member of the Trainers’ Pool of the Council of Europe, independent expert of the Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education (EENCE), co-author and co-editor of the manual ” \Overcoming Discrimination: Specifics of Organizing and Conducting Educational Activities to Prevent and Combat Discrimination \”.

– Helga Melnyk, psychologist, member of the board of the Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education (EENCE), co-editor of the manual “Overcoming Discrimination: Specifics of Organizing and Conducting Educational Activities to Prevent and Combat Discrimination”.

The authors of the manual are also invited to participate:

Anna Dovgopol, gender expert and trainer.

Anna Lenchovska, psychologist, director of educational center “TolerSpace”, author of educational materials in intercultural communication and development of safe space in schools. 

Ganna Dovbakh, executive director of Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA).

Mariya Yasenovska, president of Kharkiv regional foundation “Public Alternative”.

Sviatoslav Sheremet, policy and Legislation Coordinator of the National LGBTI Consortium of Ukraine #LGBTI_PRO, national expert on the health and gay’ and other MSM rights in Ukraine.

Valeriia Vershynina, director of Legal Affairs at Charity Foundation Stabilization Support Services.

Viacheslav Kaigorodov, president of the non-profit partnership “Altai-PARUS Center for Social Initiatives”.

Viktoriya Hriptovich, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, specialist in psychology of addictive behaviour, developer of prevention programmes.

Yana Salakhova, independent expert on non-discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes, practitioner of the theatre of the oppressed, head of NGO Theatre for Change.

Zara Lavchyan, president of Innovative Educational Solutions’ Laboratory NGO, member of the Trainers’ Pool of the Council of Europe.

How to participate?

Before December 20, fill out a short questionnaire: After registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about entering the platform.

See you!

Facebook meeting event:  Join!

  The online meeting is organized by the NGO “Democratic Initiatives Incubator” (Ukraine) within the framework of the project “Encouraging Diversity”, which is implemented by the Working group of the EENCE Network “Citizenship education in work with discriminated groups“ supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb) using funds appropriated by the Federal Foreign Office, Germany.

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